WARD 18 CANDIDATES - your choices on October 25:First posted this blog September 10 now with just 44 days to the end of election campaigns for the TWELVE City Councillor candidates for ward 18 in Davenport. Election signs can go up Monday, Oct 4 and Advance Voting starts Oct 5. Voting day is Monday, October 25
In the last two elections, voters had a choice of SIX candidates.
This year, they have a choice of TWELVE.
Flashback to 2006 election, the top issues were: 1. Crime/safety 2. More green space 3. Improve local business
Turnout was
only 23 per cent in the 2003 election and Adam Giambrone (NDP) won taking over from Mario Silva, and was re-elected in 2006 (voter turnout was
35%). CBC news take on the last (2006) election:
This year's candidates listed in order of date they registered to run:
1. Nha Le
(Liberal, has run twice before, last 2006 election = 251 votes, 5th place, about 2% of vote) "Don't look to the past, look to the future". Le wants to see more sports activities for youth in the ward. Le was born in Vietnam and moved to Canada in 1983. He served as an advisor to Liberal MPP Tony Ruprecht after his second failed run at city council. An interview can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/2boapnn email: ltn58@hotmail.com Nha is proud to be a Liberal.
2. Ana Bailao
(Liberal, former executive assistant to Mario Silva, who was ward 18 city councillor from 1994-2003) http://www.anabailao.ca/ She last ran in 2003 = 4,537 votes and came second to Adam Giambrone, losing by 1,260 votes. Rumour has it she supported Adam in 2006? Exceptionally strong Liberal party ties, most of her "volunteer" staff sport the classic red jackets, hats, etc.. Torontoist interview can be found here http://tinyurl.com/27naz6k Born in Portugal, claims to be a longtime resident of Davenport?, Ana is very pro-development. Some recent controversy says she has been getting lots of support from outside the ward (Junction Triangle site posting : "Bailao: Past Donors Raise Questions For Me" by Scott Dobson http://tinyurl.com/25lzage claims Ana spent over $70,000 on her 2003 campaign versus Adam's $42,000 (Note: New campaign laws put ceilings on this year's campaign, about $30,000.) Ana wants ward 18 to be the "safest, greenest and cleanest". She says we need to keep our artists and need affordable housing. Email: ana.bailao@anabailao.ca Campaign Office: 1486 Dundas Street West (at Dufferin) Expect strong support from Dundas West BIA who was very upset with Giambrone taking away their parking. *Update: Ana got in hot water for putting up election signs before the allowable time (12:01am Oct 4) and official complaint was filed by Kirk Russell.
3. Hema Vyas
(independent) http://hemavyas.ca/ Hema has an impressive resume of activity in the non-profit sector, with such groups as The June Caldwood Centre for Women and Families, Culturelink, Unicef and is currently a public servant program evaluator with the provincial Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Hema is a long time west end Toronto resident
(*Update: Hema actually lives next door in Ward 13 High Park, and was taken to task for shopping around for a ward to run in by Joe MacDonald. Is ward 18 Hema's second choice?) She has endorsements from the Maytree foundation that seeks to increase diversity on city council.
Torontoist interview here:
http://tinyurl.com/33fkc2v Hema is concerned about affordability, employment and community engagement. Rumour says Hema shopped around for a ward to run in before deciding on ward18? Email:
hema@hemavyas.ca Campaign office: 1007 Bloor Street West (Westmoreland)
4. Frank de Jong
( Green Party) http://www.votefrankdejong.ca/kdejong.ca/ He has campaigned for both federal and provincial office several times. An interview can be found here:
http://tinyurl.com/29pel2d A 12 year resident of the ward, Frank has a lot of ideas and issues he wished to bring forward: "Complete Streets", cycling advocate, environmentalist, support for the arts, smart planning on gentrification "people centered development", tax land not buildings, banning handguns, closing strip joints, electrification of trains, ending religious school system funding (merge school boards), change voting system to a ranking system of candidates, anti-poverty advocate, getting rid of the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board). Email:
5. Kevin Beaulieu
(NDP, former executive assistant to current ward 18 city councillor, Adam Giambrone)
http://kevinbeaulieu.ca/evinbeaulieu.ca/ At 39 years old, Kevin hails from southern Ontario and has lived in the ward almost 10 years.
Torontoist interview can be seen here:
http://tinyurl.com/2az67du Kevin feels that people in the ward are pretty happy and optimistic with the way things have been going. A strong Transit City supporter, he has worked closely with artist Dyan Marie's "DigIn' (Dupont to Bloor area) group and is a big arts supporter. Advocates "Complete Streets", cycling, voting for non-citizen residents, electric trains, and believes his insider work within city hall gives him an edge. Kevin says he is a "consensus builder". Current councillor Adam Giambrone has officially endorsed Kevin to succeed him. Email:
info@kevinbeaulieu.ca Also endorsing Kevin are Mayor David Miller, incumbent councillors Paula Fletcher, Maria Augimeri, Gord Perks, Joe Mihevc, Janet Davis and Shelley Carol (all leftist Miller supporters), plus a bevy of artists like Dyan Marie - and - incumbent school trustee Maria Rodrigues
6. Kirk Russell
(Independent ?) http://www.voteforkirk.ca/ The "Kirk Russell Movement" (as he says on his web page) is all about change. He has lived in Davenport for about 7 years, and is the manager/owner of a booming construction company. Kirk's top three priorities are "Traffic, Transit and Taxes". He promises to restore parking for the Dundas West BIA and to involve artists in area development. He is on record saying he would recind the Lansdowne Avenue narrowing project that so angered residents in that area. Email:
info@voteforkirk.ca * Update: Bloordale interview here
http://tinyurl.com/24dpv42 Kirk says he is an independent, promises money to Dundas Westr BIA for lost income due to city actions
7. Doug Carroll
( NDP ?) http://www.dougcarroll.ca/ "Take Back Your City" Doug is a software developer who is concerned about poor city services and believes there is a need to enhance citizen control to permit governing our city better. Email:
8. Joe MacDonald
(NDP - Joe clarifies: "although I have been a New Democrat all my life and have been a campaign manager, organizer and political staff, I'm no longer a member and certainly don't have "party support".) http://joemacw18.ca/ "Standing Up For You and Your Family" A cycling advocate and ward resident just north of Bloor Street, Joe says we need to accept change is inevitable but we must involve residents first. Joe says we need to: 1. Build trust, build community; 2. Extend vote to permanent residents (not-yet-citizens); 3. Environment (greening the city); 4. Better parks and public spaces; 5. Better transit ("Transit City"); 6. Safe, clean streets (graffitti eradication); 7. Electrification of the Unions Station to Pearson Airport rail link. Email:
9. Mohammed Muhit no photo or website available yet Email:
muhit69@yahoo.ca ? Mohammed has not attended any ofthe many ward 18 debates.
10. Abdirazak Elmi
(Independent) no website available yet - A member of the Somali community, Elmi has worked for Hertz, Holiday Inn and Etobicoke General Hospital. (does not live in ward 18) In mid July, Elmi withdrew from running for city councillor in Giogio Mammoliti's York West ward 7 and registered in ward 18. Update: Just got Elmi's flyer in the mail. Why does it have the Olympic Rings on it and "Toronto Panamerican Games 2015" ? Email:
abdirazakelmi@gmail.com *Update: Elmi's concerns revolve around concerns about homelessness as he was once homeless himself. Elmi has been contacting me (Ken Wood) for help and advice all during this campaign.
Joanna Teliatnik 
Inside Toronto gives her platform:
http://tinyurl.com/27ar3zr Email:
teliatnikward18@gmail.com "
Get Back to Basics" Worked in the High Arctic for a couple of decades for various governments, attended Alexander Muir, Gladstone and Parkdale Collegiate. Joanna has not attended any of the many ward18 debates yet, but has been canvassing door to door. Her literature says: 20 years' experience in various levels of government; her priorities are accountability and clear communication.
Website: http://teliatnikward18.blogspot.com/
KEN WOOD "The Tree Guy" He Stood Up for a Tree, He'll Stand Up For You

Me! The website I have is this one you are looking at. I had withdrawn from the race July 21st for financial reasons: basically, I am running a "
Poor Man's Campaign" as I am on low income. I have thought over dropping out of the race, found the scarce money I need and know that I have a lot to add to the campaign. I am doing this to make a positive contribution to my community. Let the race begin - for real ! My top issues are:
- Respect for Residents: More consultation. A City Councillor needs to do things WITH us not TO us
- Taxes and Budgets: We need to be smarter and more open at planning as a city.
- Democracy: More choice and fairness in how we elect representatives. Term limits.
- Better Quality of Life: More green spoaces, better parks like Dufferin Grove, Accessible low cost transit, Bike Lanes, Respect for pedestrians, Cleaner air, Electric not diesel trains, Protect housing for families and tenants, Safer more secure communities, Better animal control and pet bylaws
- Poverty-Hunger-Homelessness: Too many of our neighbours are suffering. Many working, but still poor. Food banks overwhelmed. Still too many without a home.
Other candidates who had registered then withdrew:
Jack Triolo
Links to other sites discussing Ward 18:
Now Magazine: says "a dog's breakfast" in ward 18? http://www.nowtoronto.com/guides/voteto/2010/story.cfm?content=176552
News Articles About Ward 18 Race:
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2010/08/18/councillor-assistants-election481.html - Councillor Assistants Line Up to Replace Their Bosses
List of Public Debates and Meetings:
1. May 18 - Casa de Madeira, 1621 Dupont
2. June 23 - St. Anne's Parish Hall, 615 Dufferin st.
3. Aug. 26 - Boo Radley's, 1482 Dupont St. (one on one, drinks)
SEPTEMBER 10, FRIDAY, 9am-2pm : Last chance for people to register or withdraw as a candidate in city elections.... REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED.
Sept. 13, Monday: Dovercourt Baptist Church Auditorium, 1140 Bloor Street West 11am-1pm TOVotes - Guaranteed Change at City Hall event http://tinyurl.com/25sxxrg This will be the largest single gathering of "Unincumbent" candidates running for city hall. (There are over 200 cxhallenger candidates running in Toronto's 44 wards). A media event, this also includes introduction to three new social media web 2.0 tools to help unincumbents even the odds when campaigning against sitting councillors. Organized by HiMYSYed, who is running for mayor and is a frequent social media commentator.
Sept. 13, Monday: Queen/Dovercourt Theatre
Active18 "Smackdown" 6-8pm http://www.junctiontriangle.ca/node/835 Question: Why did Active 18 initially invite only some of the candidates and why did they schedule this for the same day and time as the Mayoral Debate (which had been setup long before?). Just plain silly. This group seems? mostly concerned about 48 Abell, development, planning and seems? to be populated by architects and developers? Don't know, but want to. Attended the event but told by organizers I would not be allowed to participate. CLOSED INVITES DEBATE
*Update* Sept 11: Active 18 has decided to invite only 7 select candidates to speak: Ana Bailao, Kevin Beaulieu, Doug Carroll, Frank de Jong, Nha Le, Joe MacDonald and Hema Vyas. As of close of registration, there are 12 candidates running. I see this as disrespect for voters who deserve to hear from all their choices available. Seems like a private party.
Sept. 13, Monday: 90 Croatia
* Mayoral Debate: 6:30-9pm Host: Jack Fava, Moderator: Sue-Ann Levy; 5 Candidates: Rob Ford, Joe Pantalone, Rocco Rossi, George Smitherman, Sarah Thomson
http://www.junctiontriangle.ca/node/836 Note: Moderator Sue-Ann Levy's TOP 10 issues she posted in her Toronto Sun column in early January
( http://www.torontosun.com/comment/columnists/sueann_levy/2010/01/10/12408776-sun.html ) were: Money, Back to Basics, Transit, War on Cars, Garbage, Cleaning up the city, Making the city more business friendly, managing city hall, tackling aggressive panhandlers and graffitti, homeless money pit. It will be interesting to see if this influences her moderator role! September 27, 6:30pm St. Anthony's Catholic School 130 Shanly Avenue The Concerned Parents of Ward 18 public All Candidates' Debate. Plans for structured 3 question debate. *Update: Debate flopped. Only 3 audience members showed up
-- there may be more debates and events planned as things evolve --
Toronto City Main Elections Information: http://www.toronto.ca/elections/
Please look into all candidates' platforms and make an informed choice.... because