Monday, February 7, 2011

The Pre-Game Show for February 7-8 City Council Meeting

Is the Ford Honeymoon Over Yet?

After getting a few of his election campaign promises passed (cancel the Vehicle Registrtaion Tax, Cut Coouncil Office Expense Budgets and Requesting the Province to Declare the TTC an Essential Service), this meeting of the new council has some mundance and not so mundane matters to deal with.

Some fireworks should ensue when they talk about freezing (or not) Councillor pay raises, as well as what to do about funding the sinkhole that is the Pan-Am Games, and perhaps what to do about that pesky rebel Toronto Public Library Board that refuses to cut service by closing the Urban Affairs downtown branch.

* Side-note Ward 22 rookie Councillor Josh Matlow posted this on his website: ..."a 2.5 percent  increase to their annual salaries. After taxes, this increase would amount to about $20 net per month."

As always, the new, improved and excellent City Hall website portal here keeps the public in the know... at least those of us who speak English and have computer savvy and the funds to afford the internet connection!

* Side Note: Another really excellent explanation of how Council works is given by Dave Meslin, a very active political geek type who  presents City Council Meetings as a baseball game. Check it out!

I still wonder how my Portugese or other language speaking neighbours can be equally involved in the business of local government that so affects their daily lives. I have yet to see a Newsletter from Ana Bailao's ward 18 office in my mailbox. How many constituents are being left behind?

*  By the way, HERE is a great official city weblog that tells you  How to follow meetings of City Council They seem to cover eveything to get you linked up, including the live Rogers TV link. On Twitter they will be providing updates on major milestones - @torontocouncil. We will use the hashtag #tocouncil.  Enjoy.

There are a number of political geeks and city hall journalist watchers that are active with Twitter tweets like this one: @DavidNickle ...Started the morning off with the first good run of fiction writing I've had in months. Now, on to City Council for another kind of fiction.(David is Author, City Hall Reporter, Toronto Community News link  (Tweet posted at 8:30am, one hour before Council meeting starts)

Another tweet: @ddale8  Council liveishtweet time! Denzil MW kicks off festivities by lauding Sen. O'Connor Blues, city high school football champs. (Daniel Dale, The Toronto Star)  9:37 am
