Monday, January 10, 2011

Where The Money Goes

$9.396 BILLION Budget (draft Jan10, 2011)
A pie cut into twenty slices, where the money goes.
(the budget presentation can be found here. )

$1,534,100,000 = TTC  (16.3%)
$1,205,500,000 = Employment and Social Services (12.9%) *
$  983,100,000 = Police (10.5%)
$  916,800,000 = Shelter,Support,Housing Administration (9.8%)
$  832,500,000 = Governance and Internal Services (8.9%)
$  445,600,000 = Debt services (4.7%)
$  387,400,000 = Children's Services (4.1%)
$  371,500,000 = Fire Services (4.0%)
$  357,700,000 = Parks, Forestry, Recreation (4.0%)
$  291,100,000 = Transportation Services (3.1%)
$  232,200,000 = Toronto Public Health (2.5%)
$  223,800,000 = Long Term Homes and Services (2.4%)
$  217,700,000 = Fleet and Facilities (2.3%)
$  201,600,000 = Capital and Corpoirate Financing (2.1%)
$  183,800,000 = Toronto Public Library (2.0%)
$  170,800,000 = EMS (1.8%)
$  698,100,000 = Other (1.74%)
$   49,600,000 =  Licencing and Standards (0.5%)
$   36,500,000 = City Planning (0.4%)
$   36,300,000 = Economic Development and Culture (0.4%)

* Include social services are what was downloaded from the Province by Mike Harris in 1990. The city must administer Ontario Works (general welfare) and the Ontario Disability Support (ODSP). Uploading is still being discussed and negotiated.

Of interest is the comparison to the 2010 Miller budget which was $9.28 BILLION. It initially included a property tax increase of 4% but that was later cut to 2.9% when miraculously another $100 million or so was found in the budget in March. There was no TTC fare increase last year, bt they are calling for a 10 cent increase this year.

Another point: the roughly $68 million increase of 2011 over 2010 budget pretty much equals the Personal vehicle Tax that Ford cut in December to take effect January 1, 2011.


Where Do Your $3,579,000,000 ($3.6 BILLION) in Property Taxes Go?

25.6% to Police
16.1% to Other
14.1% to TTC
11.4% to Debt Charges


Mayor Rob Ford at the budget kickoff thanked those departments that met call for 5% reduction and essentially threatened the jobs of those managers in departments that did not do so.
Ford Threatens to Fire City Managers Who Don't Trim Budgets

So.... Who is being threatened and what did they ask for?

Police Chief Bill Blair (+3%) ?
TTC General Manager Gary Webster ?
Toronto Public Library (+2.0%)
Toronto Public Health (+0.7%)
Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (+12.9%)
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (+5.2%)
Children's Services (+4.4%)
311 Toronto (+3.3%)
Municipal Licensing and Standards (+12.3%)
TTC WheelTrans (+10.1%)
Area Boards of Management (+11.9%)

In some cases, like the Toronto Library and Public Health, it is not the bureaucracy managers at fault, but the city council committees that permitted or overrode budget demands.