Adam Giambrone's constituency office is closing up. Not that it was ever much open, particularly since Adam's self-destruction last February... I often walked by when there was supposed to be open office hours and no one was there. During the election, Adam's former staff - Kevin who was running for the crown and Marjolein, were busy with other things (their failed election bid). Now I see furniture stacked up ready to be moved out.
... by the way, Adam is still our sitting councillor and will continue to be paid to November 30th.
Adam Giambrone in the news again for his questionable spending of the taxpayer funded office budget. Over $6,000 being spent on French lessons?
Guess he knew he wouldn't be needing, say Portugese in his former ward? But then we can all be comforted knowing he will be back in 2-3 years to run provincially or federally. Entitlement know no bounds I guess (I always thought that was a Liberal thing).
Post election analysis tells us ward 18 voted (40%) for Smitherman for Mayor, not Ford. But it was the divided Toronto where all the wards surrounding downtown voted Ford in.

So who will be the new TTC Chair? The Star has anointed Karen Stintz or Peter Milczyn as likely prospects.
Wouldn't it be nice is someone with real experience in the industry was in that big job? Maybe someday we will have a separately elected TTC Chair who comes with the qualifications. Doesn't look like that will happen soon.
And the agenda for the TTC may be in jeopardy too:
The Star's Royson James makes apologies of sorts for how the polls gotthe close race thing so wrong:
A better conclusion would be that we need to prohibit polls for the month before voting day. But that won't happen soon.
Ford plans to lower office budgets to $30,000
Guess Rob will save us some pennies out of the $9.28 BILLION budget, but how much will it cost when the TTC strikes on April 1st? (nope, not an AQpril Fool's joke, a real possibility)
Ford also will have a fight on his hand for his plot to cut council size in half (yet again, following his idol, Mike Harris):
So... Did Davenport Get Any Better Yet?