Better Ballots is a non-partisan movement that hopes to make Toronto elections more fair, relevant, participatory and effective. Sponsored by such groups as The Toronto City Summit Alliance, the Maytree Foundation, Fair Vote Toronto and Vote Toronto it is run by activist volunteers who seek a better way of choosing our municipal governments. Not that they expect to see changes for this October 25th's election, but rather that they hope to see changes for 2014.
I attended one of their town halls last Monday, April 26th at City Hall Council Chambers. About 200+ enthusiastic political geeks, many of them candidates and those just wanting to learn more about options were presented with 14 ideas to change the way we elect local representatives.
The Better Ballots website is at: http://www.betterballots.to/
An article about the gatherings is here: http://www.insidetoronto.com/news/cityhall/article/806120--city-hall-event-draws-focus-on-better-ballots